Alishie is a teenager from an African village whom Zaruchim was sent to recruit for Faudo's revival. Even after being cursed by Riou, Alishie refuses to join Riou but is forced to do so when Raushin kidnaps a child from his village and threatened to kill him if Alishie did not comply. He, along with his mamodo partner Riya, were escorted by Riou to Faudo where they remained until running into Gash Bell and Kiyomaro Takamine. Alishie is first seen when Kiyomaro, Gash, and the others were recuperating after their battle with Keith and Cherish. He is at first skeptical that Faudo could be sent back to the mamodo world after being revived but seeing Gash's determination, agrees to help. Alishie is a great help to the team, providing information concerning the mamodo in Faudo and Faudo himself. Alishie continues to aid the others in stopping Faudo even after Riya's book was burnt.