Danny is a teen mamodo, who quickly becomes friends with Gash. They meet while Danny is supposed to be watching over a sculpture that's over 300 years old, but takes off for a bit to get fish donuts. While gone a gang steals the statue away from Danny's book reader. Gash helps Danny, and his book reader track down the gang to a boat dock in town. Gash sends Umagon to go get Kiyomaro so that Gash would be able to help. Kiyomaro shows up right on time, and helps Danny, Gash, and Danny's book reader. Afterwards everything seemed to have had come to an end, Gash and Danny being ready to go get sushi. But then the leader of the gang breaks free from the cops, stealing a truck. The truck is tipped over, nearly crushing every one. But Danny manages to catch it, lifting it so that it won't fall onto the sculpture. Suddenly Gash is stuck in a touch decision let the truck fall crushing Danny, and his book. Or, use one of his spells to destroy the truck, which will catch Danny's book on fire. In the end Gash uses his spell, destroying the truck, and Danny's book. Danny is then sent back to the Mamodo world, not feeling sad, but proud.