Yutaka was the father of Takuma, Shohei, Toshiyuki, and Tsukasa. He and his wife, Ikumi, were killed as a result of a plot orchestrated by Hizaki. He was part of the GRAVE Division and was often seen teaching Tsukasa how to fight, to the point where he couldn't keep up with her energy. Akira also considers Yutaka his personal hero and role model; he eventually figures out that Yutaka and Tsukasa are related due to observing certain shared mannerisms, like slapping people hard on the back as encouragement. Yutaka was the biological father of only Takuma, Shohei, and Toshiyuki. He and Ikumi were close friends with Wakasa and agreed to adopt her daughter, Tsukasa, if something ever happend to Wakasa. After discovering the truth about her biological parents, Tsukasa still considers Yutaka her father.